We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Office: When It’s Time To Relocate


We’re Gonna Need A Bigger Office: When It’s Time To Relocate

There can be more reasons for a business to pick up stakes and move to a new location than most business owners often expect. A growth spurt that makes your office feel crowded. A location that’s no longer desirable. A space that can’t accommodate your technological updates. Rent hikes. Natural disasters. Bad neighbours. The possibilities are, unfortunately, limitless. Thankfully, so are your options when it comes to spotting problems early. Here are a few common scenarios centring around why companies relocate, and some of the considerations to keep in mind if you choose to.

The Workforce Outgrows the Space

It’s a good sign when your business can hire on more workers — that means you’re growing, providing work to new employees while also having the opportunity to distribute the workload more evenly. But if there’s anything that can stifle all that progress, it’s trying to cram too many workspaces — and too many employees — in the same space. Sure, some people do all right working elbow-to-elbow with their co-workers, but it’s not always feasible to have close-quarters office plans or rotating desk assignments. Nobody enjoys working in a sweatshop, and giving workers enough space is one way to give them more peace of mind and a feeling of autonomy. Comfort is one of the underrated keys to productivity, so set up an office plan that gives workers plenty of space to do their job.

The Location is Inconvenient

For many employees, the job’s not the stressful part of their workday — it’s getting to the job that’s a hassle. Younger workers are increasingly gravitating towards urban locales, mass transit, and closer live-work proximity. So planting your business in the midst of an unwalkable suburban office park 45 minutes outside the city won’t just make your business appear out-of-touch — it will make it harder to attract talented workers. An isolated office in a neighbourhood or a suburb with bad character (or no character) can have a detrimental effect on employee morale, whether or not it immediately shows in their work itself.

Clients are Turned Off

Your employees might eventually learn to begrudgingly cope with a sub-optimal workspace, but first-time visitors hoping to do business with you may just wind up one-time visitors instead. You don’t want clients coming away from your office thinking it looks like it hasn’t been updated since 1998, noticing that collaborating departments seem isolated from each other, or wondering why your floorplan is in total disarray. You might know how productive and successful your employees might be, but when someone else’s first impression leads to the idea that your business is as disorganized and outmoded as the office space that hosts it, you run the risk of regularly losing out on golden opportunities.

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If you’re considering an office move, check out our whitepaper on the 4 Steps Before Signing Your Lease. Many have found it to be a useful resource for getting the ball rolling on their relocation. Alternatively, Aura provides real estate advisory services to help guide your relocation efforts, from picking out the best neighbourhood to helping you understand your new office lease. Just contact us today for a consultation!

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